SEO Checklist for Blog Posts

Happy blogger with a SEO checklist

Want to know how to get the best blog posts ranking in the search engine optimization? You’re probably tired of spending hours in front of the computer, blogging every day and no one notices your posts. You have a message that you want others to hear. But you can’t notice or read your article from anyone. Or perhaps you’re attempting to reveal yourself by blowing up your Facebook friends. But you still couldn’t enjoy it.

If this is your overall search result, this article has great information to help you get your posts ranking in search engines.

How to Make Your Blog Posts SEO-Friendly

Blogging is not the same as writing letters or academic essays. In fact, it’s not like writing and thanking without all those annoying “umms” and “I don’t know what”. Just like writing website content, creating an original and engaging blog takes effort. A simple post on your blog or any other blog can do important things for your company. But your actions may not be very effective if you do not use certain ideas. There are several things to consider when writing content.

Visual content

Statistics say that if your posts contain visual content, they will attract 94% more traffic and engagement than those without them. That’s reason enough to get started. Include videos and other visual content in your posts. The brain will automatically extract information from images instead of text.

Short paragraphs

The number of videos and other images used today in marketing is one of the reasons why you need to shorten your paragraphs. You need a lot of white space to avoid long paragraphs. Too much text won’t pay much attention to your posts.

Ask questions

A great way to engage people in your posts is to ask or ask for opinions and ideas. Most people like to state their opinions and beliefs on most topics. Whether they agree with you or not, you want others to contribute to your post.

Avoid cluttering

Keep your site clean and sharp. As with large posts, having too much “information” will discourage others from staying on your site or reading your posts. Don’t exaggerate it with the ads. Don’t overcrowd your site with banners, lights, and lightning. Keep it simple and thorough.


One of the most responsive ways to use keywords is to add them to the title of your post. Don’t go crazy with keywords. Use a few keywords throughout your post without sacrificing readability. Always use the sentence at the beginning a few times and again at the end. Be sure to read about keyword abuse to avoid penalties.

Optimized for SEO

Google won’t reward you for imposing your keywords and compromising readability, so don’t risk it. When writing blogs for SEO, a good trick is to optimize after you have finished writing. You can also include links carefully by choosing the keywords you want to link to on your webpage.

Remember to choose a page with a high ranking for that keyword. Another way to optimize SEO is to encourage readers to share it on social networks.

What are the ways to make your niche blog stand out?

Before clicking the publish button for your latest blog post, it’s best to make sure it’s good enough for your online readers who assume you’ve created the following online readers. Getting good followers for your blog implies great advertising and popularity.

With the number of web blogs dealing with almost every topic imaginable, how can you make your niche blog unique and catchy? If you know how to write decent blog posts, the solution is pretty simple.

“Money Blogging” is gaining popularity and an important starting point before monetizing your blog is to generate interested followers by providing quality, engaging and informative blog posts.

Have your own opinion

If there’s one mistake most bloggers make, that is, reflecting the opinions of top writers on a particular topic, the last thing you want is to be a writer, not even having your own opinion. This is a basic rule for writing a good blog post: let your viewers know what you think. You will be amazed at how positively your readers will receive your opinion.

Make your voice heard

Do you think you are a funny person? Are you the most serious type? So, come up with your blog entry! The most popular blog posts are those that show the personality of the writer. Behind a well-written blog is a writer with a unique voice. If you think you’re a writer, you’re not far behind knowing how to write good blog posts.


Internet readers don’t have time to read your blog all day. In fact, they may not have 10 minutes before they click the Close button. You need to act quickly and show your point of view intelligently and concisely.

At the same time, your blog should contain enough information to benefit readers in this way. Concise writing is a skill you need when you learn to write great blog posts.


One thing that people often forget when writing a good blog post is the syntax and order of the blog. Just because your work will be published online doesn’t mean you can make as many grammar mistakes as you want.

Check your facts

Although commenting is essential to writing a good blog post. But it must be based on confirmed facts. If you leave a strong opinion without having to support it with evidence, your credibility will certainly be affected. As a responsible writer, it is best to provide facts that make your blog more reliable and more informative to read.

Be sure to speak to your audience, be concise, easily readable and natural, and it depends on your goals, including a call to action. The ultimate reward is engaging readers, especially if the blog is part of your digital marketing strategy.

If you take the time to implement these strategies, it will help you a lot in the long run. To reach the top of your niche, you need to pay attention to all the details when you make a blog.

In conclusion

With the above article, we will understand that every blog deserves targeted traffic and that there is no better way to focus on search engines. Search engines are always looking for new content no matter how much you create your posts. Give your readers and search engines what they want, and they will reward you by sending you targeted traffic over and over.

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