What Is a Blog Post Title?

The title for a blog post is the main headline representing whats the blog post or article is all about. A good title should let the reader know what to expect from the article, not less and not more.

The title is the headline showing up in Google search results when people are looking for information on Google, and also tells Google what your post is about, the better title the better SEO for your post. The title will often also been shown when users post links on social media like Facebook and direct messages to each other.

The first part that the readers see that is liable for getting these readers to click the blog post and consume the information posted there. When readers are sharing your blog posts, these blog post titles are what they frequently use. It means that if a reader likes your content and wishes to share it with others, the title is the blog’s part that others will see.

The h1-tag on your page

On a webpage, the first header tag that is visible on that page is the h1 tag. It shows the heading on a particular website. An h1 tag is a very crucial aspect of Search Engine Optimization.

The h1 tag in your source code

In HTML, the h1 is a tag that shows the heading on any given website. The tag is enclosed in the <h1> and </h1> tags. To provide relevant results, search engine spiders read a page’s HTML code, where they aim to find the sentences put in heading tags.

For example:
<h1>The Title of My New Blog Post - My Website</h1>

Does it look too advanced? Don’t worry, if you run WordPress or any other standard blogging platform, the platform will solve this one for you automatically.

Types of Blog post titles that get clicked

Many people visit different websites daily looking for all sorts of information available that will be of help to them. As a content creator, you should be extra creative when it comes to formulating blog posts titles as they have the power to attract or turn away the readers at a glance.

Below is a list of the most common types of blog posts that many internet users click when surfing the web.

Titles on “A Guide to…”

“A Guide to…” title is a significant title to use for your blog post as it tells the reader that the article will provide the most crucial information to the reader.

Titles on “10, 15, 20…’

List articles easily attract writers and readers instantly as they are easy to write and read. Besides, these articles are the most commonly read articles on the web. These articles can stand out from the rest as they have organized information. One easily recognizes the article’s length, and the readers easily know the number of new things they expect to learn after reading the article.

Titles ending with “…No one Will Tell You.”

Blog posts ending with these words are an effective bait to readers as no one likes missing out on things. These titles are significant as they promise the reader that they will learn something unknown.

Titles on “How to…”

The “How to…” titles are the most popular when it comes to blog articles. They get numerous clicks as they promise the readers that they will get to learn new skills. These articles get more clicks as they offer solutions to problems that the readers have.

Titles on “Where, What, Why”

These articles receive thousands of clicks as a promise to give the reader to learn a new thing, get advice, and get solutions to existing problems.

“Infographic…” Titles

These articles are fun, quick to read, and are easy to remember. As a content creator, put visual content in your headline if the article has visual content. An Infographic promises that the blog post will be visual; thus, it will be easily memorable. Infographics results in more clicks and traffic, and the readers sharing your blog post on social media platforms.

Titles on “Mistakes to Avoid…”

These blog post titles are significant as they promise the reader that he will get information on what can hinder his success and where he should focus his attention on.

Titles on “Everything you Need to Know.”

These titles are significant as they promise the reader that they will learn everything concerning the article’s given topic. It reassures the reader that they do not need to search for any additional information.

“Questions?” Titles

Asking your readers a question is a very effective way of writing your article’s title. Question titles get numerous clicks as they involve the reader. These articles also provide solutions and answers to provocative questions.

The title appears in many places Google, social media, direct messages, bookmarks, and more.

What Are the Attributes of a Good Title?

A blog post’s title is the main headline that describes what the blog post entails. A good title should layout to a reader what to expect from reading the article. It is what shows up on search results on a search engine such as Google. A title allows search engine algorithms crawlers to understand what the article is about. It will enable the article to be on display when users search for items on the topic.

A good title should be clear and precise. It should be easy to read and understand. A good title sums up an article’s great SEO, which means better ranking on search engines and, ultimately, more views. It also attracts views when you share the blog post’s links on social media.

So, what makes a good title? Let’s look at some of the attributes of a good title.

A Good Title is Clear and Precise

A good title needs to be simple, clear, and precise. It should clearly explain to the readers what they should expect from reading the article. The internet is the most significant source of resources on earth, meaning millions of items on the web. It means that your title needs to be outstanding so that when your target audience searches a particular topic, your title tells them precisely what to expect from your blog post. They don’t need to go through the entire article to feel what to expect from reading the article.

The title should be strong enough to convince anyone to click on and read your blog post. It should be interactive and attractive, consequently making your readers click on and read on to find out more about the specific topic. For your article to be informative and precise, you should ensure that you provide the relevant details for both the search engine and your target audience.

It Should Be Informative and Problem Solving

A vast majority of individuals on search engines and the internet search for information on how to solve issues and do things for themselves. It is what makes the internet resourceful. For this reason, if your blog post aims at solving peoples’ problems, your blog post title should depict precisely that. It would be best to optimize your content to search worthy by ensuring that it is informative and problem-solving.

You can begin your blog post title with terms like ‘how,’ ‘why,’ what’ or ‘when.’ They are the most common search engine terms that most people use to search with on search engines. It is best to create a solution-oriented title, and when you combine it with a strong topical word, it amounts to a great title. It will attract more traffic to your blog post.

It Employs the Use of Numbers

A good blog post title incorporates the use of numbers and other statistics. You can use such terms such as ’10 Best…’ to improve your SEO and, ultimately, more traffic to your site. Numbers and statistics help increase clarity by mapping out how long a blog post is. Most people don’t want to read articles that are long or unordered.

However, when you employ numbers, you allow the reader to get a feel of what to expect. They feel confident that the article has an organization and structure. Besides, numbers and statistics will enable you to only touch on the essential parts, leaving out any unnecessary details.

It Should Have Natural Keywords

Titles are the beginning of SEO, and for better ranking, you should include keywords in them. Your blog post’s title, in addition to the meta description, should contain keywords in them for better ranking. Your blog post will be on the first page of search engines by employing the use of keywords. It translates to more traffic flow to your blog post because users tend to use searches on the first page rather than on other pages. Therefore, to make your title tremendous and outstanding, use relevant keywords naturally. It would be best to use keywords on your meta description and the blog posts body.

It Should Be of An Ideal Length

A good title is of an ideal length, not too long, not too short. It should adhere to search engine title expectations, commonly of 60 characters or eight words. At this length, the title is visible to SERPs, increasing its ranking on search engines. Besides, that length is ideal for display purposes on your search results and on social media posts. Therefore, you should strive to make your title of around 60 characters for better ranking and visibility.

You can find more tips in our article 6 Tips When Crafting a New Blog Title.


As a blog owner, your main aim is to increase traffic to your blog post as more traffic means more revenue. A good blog title is one way of increasing traffic to your blog post. You should ensure that your blog post title is as ideal, clear, and informative as possible to attract clicks to your website. Besides, it should contain keywords for better ranking on SERPs. It should also be of an ideal length and captivating to attract clients to your site.

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